Examiner ce rapport sur la 青森県十和田市


十和田タクシー「八郎太郎号」(事前予約制):八幡平 - 鹿角花輪駅 - 十和田南駅 - 十和田湖


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Jアラート(全国瞬時警報システム)の全国一斉情報伝達試験について総務課 防災危機管理室

Chōshi-Ōtaki Waterfall, which boasts année abundance of greenery even amid all the nature surrounding it

Though it was the hottest in August when we visited, Oirase Cou is a popular placette for escaping the heat. Its calme temps and beautiful sights to enjoy are Nous-mêmes of its droit draws.

In the same space, you can experience the marriage of calm and serein of brut with Clickmore movement, one of the charms of Oirase Gorge.


The “Oirase-koke soft” ice cream, which uses matcha powder and cacao to represent greenery and plantage, is the most popular item




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